Ketchikan Walking Tours

Go on a walking tour to explore the town’s historic streets, vibrant culture, and natural beauty at a leisurely pace. Knowledgeable guides will lead you to hidden gems, sharing intriguing stories and fascinating facts along the way. Admire the intricate totem poles, stroll along the picturesque waterfront, and immerse yourself in the local ambiance.

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Walking Tours

When you wan­der with him through down­town Ketchikan, you get the Native per­spec­tive on the town, its evo­lu­tion, eco­nom­ics, and how Natives both influ­enced and were affect­ed by it.

You’ll learn about the inter­de­pen­den­cy of the ani­mals and plants of the area while enjoy­ing the qui­et and seren­i­ty of hik­ing trails in the Ton­gass Nation­al For­est that few vis­i­tors get to see.

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