Kenai Peninsula Gold Panning Tours

Explore the stunning landscapes of Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula while immersing yourself in an activity that has captured the hearts of prospectors for generations. Gold panning is a great way to connect with the rich history of the gold rush era—plus, you get to keep any gold you find!

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Gold Panning Tours

Res­ur­rec­tion Creek is the site of the excit­ing sec­ond dis­cov­ery of gold on the Kenai Penin­su­la in 1888. Since 1895 this creek has yield­ed an approx­i­mat­ed 30,00040,000 ounces of gold. Itís been over 100 years since min­ing began at Res­ur­rec­tion Creek, but it is still a pop­u­lar site for recre­ation­al gold pan­ning. There is a half-mile stretch avail­able for recre­ation­al gold pan­ning that starts 4.5 miles from Hope, at the Res­ur­rec­tion Pass Trail…  ...more

Pan­ning for gold with a life­long min­er. One-on-one atten­tion — no big groups. And of course, plen­ty of gold. That’s what you’ll get at Gold Rush Peck, in the town of Hope. This is the real deal and it’s worth tak­ing the time to vis­it if you’re in the area. You won’t find a more authen­tic gold pan­ning attraction.When you arrive at the rus­tic tent next to the Hope Min­ing Muse­um you’ll choose from three dif­fer­ent buck­et sizes – $20, $40, or $60 –…  ...more
