Haines Dining & Nightlife

From diners and bistros to lively bars and local breweries, Haines offers diverse dining options to please every palate.

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Dining and Nightlife

A Haines insti­tu­tion, the din­er serves up big break­fasts and great burg­ers and fish and chips. There dai­ly spe­cial is a favorite for the local seniors, who gath­er each day to talk small-town life and pol­i­tics. The own­ers, the Fowler/​Tengs fam­i­ly, are super friend­ly, and the attached bar, The Pio­neer, con­sis­tent­ly hosts great music. It’s a locals place, but tourists are wel­comed here.

High-qual­i­ty spir­its craft­ed and mixed with local ingre­di­ents have brought suc­cess to this tiny dis­tillery. Its set­ting in a ren­o­vat­ed, post-and-beam struc­ture over­look­ing Chilkoot Inlet add charm to the experience.
