Photo Credit: Alaska Mountain Guides Sea Kayaking

Glacier Bay National Park Day Tours & Attractions

Glacier Bay National Park offers a multitude of attractions and tours. If you’re in Gustavus, immerse yourself in the park’s natural beauty by exploring the hiking trails that depart from Glacier Bay Lodge. For a multi-day experience, set off on a sailboat or kayak your way through the park’s waters past wildlife, glaciers, and icebergs.

Flightseeing Tours View All

See Glacier Bay from above, watching the glacier spill out from the mountains


Parks & Trails

Explore trails in Bartlett Cove, the only developed hiking are in the park

Difficulty: Easy

The Beach Trail departs from Glac­i­er Bay Lodge in Gus­tavus and fol­lows the shore for one mile, tra­vers­ing beach mead­ows and for­est habi­tats, home to por­cu­pines, bears and moose.

Difficulty: Easy Distance: 2 miles Elevation Gain: 100 feet

This trail pass­es along an inter­tidal lagoon and through a for­est of spruce and hem­lock before end­ing at the Bartlett estu­ary. You may see coy­otes, moose, bear, and riv­er otter along the beach. Ducks, geese and oth­er water birds con­cen­trate in the inter­tidal area dur­ing migra­tions and molt­ing. Salmon run up the riv­er lat­er in the sum­mer that draws in hun­gry har­bor seals. To reach the trail­head, park at the Glac­i­er Bay Lodge/​Visitor Cen­ter and…  ...more

[{"slug":"glacier-bay-national-park","title":"Glacier Bay National Park"}]

Sailing & Private Yacht Charters

Cruise Glacier Bay on a small ship cruise or private charter

Season: May to mid-September 7 days / 6 nights

Explore Alas­ka by char­ter­ing the 90-foot yacht Alaskan Sto­ry, out of Juneau. It’s the per­fect way to see some of the state’s most stun­ning­ly beau­ti­ful areas, like Glac­i­er Bay Nation­al Park, and enjoy lots of oppor­tu­ni­ties for fish­ing, kayak­ing, hik­ing, and wildlife view­ing along the way.

[{"slug":"glacier-bay-national-park","title":"Glacier Bay National Park"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"}]

Sea Kayaking View All

Multi-day guided kayak trips in Glacier Bay National Park

Season: May - September $135+ 4 hrs - 8 days

Guid­ed sea kayak­ing in Alaska’s South­east opens up the mag­i­cal world of water-based tour­ing. Glide through a marine envi­ron­ment with gor­geous views in every direc­tion, and many oppor­tu­ni­ties to spot wildlife – from eagles and salmon to bears, whales and sea lions. Options include day tours for busy sched­ules and mul­ti-day immer­sions, all under the expert guid­ance of nat­u­ral­ists who help you under­stand the com­plex work­ings of a unique and amazing  ...more

[{"slug":"glacier-bay-national-park","title":"Glacier Bay National Park"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"skagway","title":"Skagway"}]

Park Tours View All

Short excursions to a multi-day kayaking or sailboat tours

Season: May - September $135+ 4 hrs - 8 days

Guid­ed sea kayak­ing in Alaska’s South­east opens up the mag­i­cal world of water-based tour­ing. Glide through a marine envi­ron­ment with gor­geous views in every direc­tion, and many oppor­tu­ni­ties to spot wildlife – from eagles and salmon to bears, whales and sea lions. Options include day tours for busy sched­ules and mul­ti-day immer­sions, all under the expert guid­ance of nat­u­ral­ists who help you under­stand the com­plex work­ings of a unique and amazing  ...more

[{"slug":"glacier-bay-national-park","title":"Glacier Bay National Park"},{"slug":"juneau","title":"Juneau"},{"slug":"skagway","title":"Skagway"}]