Cordova Area Historic Park or Site

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Historic Park or Site

Con­struc­tion of this ear­ly-1900s bridge cost a whop­ping (at the time) $1.4 mil­lion, which earned it the nick­name Mil­lion Dol­lar Bridge. But the bridge quick­ly earned its keep, allow­ing the rail­road to haul cop­per from Ken­ni­cott to the port of Cordova.

Look to the south and you’ll see a WWII era build­ing. Troops were sta­tioned at Cordova.

Eight signs will guide you through the Cop­per Riv­er water­shed land­scape. See if you can vis­it all eight signs on your tour through this upriv­er basin formed by the ancient, glacial Lake Atna!

[{"slug":"cordova","title":"Cordova"},{"slug":"chugach-national-forest","title":"Chugach National Forest"},{"slug":"copper-center","title":"Copper Center"}]