Photo Credit: Alaska Naturally Aurora Show

Anchorage Plays, Performances & Entertainment

Whether you’re a theater enthusiast or looking for an unforgettable cultural experience, Anchorage has no shortage of options. Here’s where to go to take in a Broadway show, try out an escape room, or catch a captivating film of the northern lights.

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Plays & Performances

ACA is one of the largest per­form­ing arts pre­sen­ters in Alas­ka. Pre­sent­ing a wide spec­trum of per­for­mances, it’s the largest res­i­dent com­pa­ny that uses the city’s Alas­ka Cen­ter for the Per­form­ing Arts (known to locals as the PAC), home to both the Atwood Con­cert Hall and the Dis­cov­ery The­atre. ACA also presents the Sum­mer Con­cert Series, secret shows, pop-up con­certs and in-home con­certs at var­i­ous loca­tions around Anchorage.


Even in the end­less day­light of Alaska’s sum­mer, you can check out the auro­ra bore­alis in Auro­rA — Alaska’s Great North­ern Lights.”

From local plays to Shake­speare­an the­atre, sym­phonies to jazz, spelling bees to whale tales, the Alas­ka Cen­ter for the Per­form­ing Arts hosts pro­duc­tions year-round in their mul­ti­ple venues.
