Photo Credit: Downtown Bicycle Rental

Anchorage Fat Bike Tours & Rentals

Anchorage Fat Biking  (2:00)

Fat tire biking, also known as fat biking, has gained immense popularity in recent years. The extra-wide tires of fat bikes, typically range from 3.8 to 5 inches wide, provide stability and traction on all kinds of terrains, including snow, sand, mud, and rocky trails.

You’ll see fat bikes all over town, tempting you to try this exciting sport for yourself! Rent a bike for the day or join a guided tour.

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Fat Bike Tours & Rentals

Season: Year Round $129+ Day Tours | $35+ Rentals Half and Full Day Tours | Rentals 4hrs+

Anchor­age may be Alaska’s big city, but this bicy­cle tour oper­a­tor offers quick proof that the city has a lot of wilder­ness. Choose your ride based on half-day or full-day options, as well as dif­fi­cul­ty. You’ll go from down­town to Moth­er Nature — with moun­tains, coastal views, and the occa­sion­al moose sight­ing — in no time at all. Bet­ter yet, the tours often include beer tast­ings or lunch.
