Points of Interest at Mt. McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge

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Points of Interest

Named for the ele­va­tion of near­by Denali, this casu­al restau­rant serves up break­fast, lunch, and din­ner across from the Mt. McKin­ley Princess Lodge. The restau­rant was designed to feed lodge guests, and most enjoy at least one meal inside this large, stand­alone struc­ture of steel and wood. The food is vin­tage Princess, includ­ing fresh seafood and pub fare with house-made sauces and fresh sides.

This din­ing room has stun­ning views of Denali on clear days. Huge win­dows open onto the Alas­ka Range and the moun­tain, and a vault­ed ceil­ing of tim­ber-framed spruce cre­ates a light, airy feel, almost like you’re eat­ing out­side. Accom­pa­ny­ing the view and atmos­phere, is the finest food at the lodge. Spe­cial­iz­ing in fresh Alas­ka seafood entrees, it’s reser­va­tion only for din­ner, but break­fast can be as quick or casu­al as you’d like

Difficulty: Moderate

Choose between four hik­ing trails on the McKin­ley Princess prop­er­ty, from easy to stren­u­ous, and explore the Alaskan wilder­ness, with great views and wildlife.