Alaska Arctic Grayling Fishing Spots

While all but extinct in the Lower 48, the Arctic Grayling can still be found here in healthy numbers. Take a look at all of the places to catch them.

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Arctic Grayling Fishing Spots

Clear­wa­ter creek par­al­lels the Denali High­way and offers excel­lent fishing. 

Small lake acces­si­ble via a grav­el road off of Point Macken­zie Road. Lake is stocked with arc­tic grayling and rain­bow trout.

Sun­shine Creek flows into the Susit­na Riv­er. There is an access road off of the Parks High­way. Most pop­u­lar for fish­ing for sil­vers late August through September.

Spring fish­ery & BLM Campground

Access stun­ning views of Land­mark Gap Lake by hik­ing the Land­mark Gap Trail North.

This con­flu­ence is one of the most pop­u­lar fish­eries in South Cen­tral Alas­ka. Locat­ed about 60 miles north of Anchor­age on the Parks High­way, it offers excel­lent fish­ing for four of the major salmon species: kings, sil­vers, chums and pinks. It also fea­tures big rain­bows (up to 30 inch­es) and Dol­ly Var­den, as well as Arc­tic Grayling. You’ll also find, in small num­bers, bur­bot and whitefish.

Fish for Arc­tic Grayling and Dol­ly Varden.

Arc­tic grayling, pike, and whitefish.

Fish for Arc­tic grayling, bur­bot, and white­fish. South Fork of Bonan­za Creek is acces­si­ble from the Dal­ton Highway.

Fish for grayling at Moose Creek, acces­si­ble via a pull-out next to the Glenn Highway.

Arc­tic grayling, bur­bot, and white­fish. Salmon are also present, but sport fish­ing for salmon is prohibited. 

Fish­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for arc­tic grayling, trout, and bur­bot. Camp­ing avail­able at Field­ing Lake State Recre­ation Site.

Fish­ing spot for arc­tic grayling and white­fish acces­si­ble from the Dal­ton Highway.

There’s a large road­side pull­out at mile 149 of the Dal­ton High­way. Fish for Arc­tic grayling.

Desh­ka Land­ing is a boat launch on the Susit­na Riv­er that pro­vides access to the Susit­na, Yent­na, and Desh­ka Rivers. The land­ing is open year-round (win­ter snow­mo­bile use) and is man­aged by the Desh­ka Out­door Asso­ci­a­tion, LLC.

Small lake to fish for grayling at mile 7 of Lake Louise Road.

Pull-off present and sign post­ed at MP 168 Richard­son High­way. There’s a 14 mile trail to reach the lake.

Short hike down steep hill to South; Sum­mer Fish­ery. MP 10.4 Denali Hwy

Spot to fish for Grayling. There’s a small grav­el pull-out just beside the Glenn Highway.

Fish­ing spot for arc­tic grayling along the Dal­ton Highway.

Acces­si­ble fish­ing lake just off the Glenn High­way. Stocked annu­al­ly with rain­bow trout and arc­tic char.

Love­ly lake acces­si­ble from via Bon­nie Lake Road off the Glenn High­way just north of Chick­aloon. A small dock juts into the lake, as well as a grav­el boat launch area. Fish for rain­bow trout and grayling.

Access from the Glenn High­way via Tol­sona Lake Road at mile 170 just before Glen­nallen. There’s a lodge, as well as a pub­lic access point. Can fish for grayling and burbot.

Grav­el road from the Richard­son High­way leads to a point where you can access the Lit­tle Ton­si­na where it meets the Ton­si­na Riv­er. Arc­tic grayling, Dol­ly Var­den, sock­eye salmon, king salmon, and coho salmon depend­ing on the sea­son. Check with ADF&G for cur­rent regulations.

MP 171 Richard­son Hwy. Pull-off’s present; best fish­ing at outlet.

Fish for grayling and rain­bow trout. Sign vis­i­ble from the Glenn High­way. Fol­low road to a small grav­el park­ing area.

Small pull-off, short hike down to out­let; sum­mer fish­ery. MP 10 Denali Hwy

Arc­tic Grayling fish­ing spot that can be accessed from the Dal­ton Highway.

Acces­si­ble via MP 170 of the Glenn High­way. Grayling fish­ing. There’s also a small lodge.

Sev­en­teen­mile Lake is stocked with rain­bow trout and arc­tic char. It’s a tran­quil lake with views of the sur­round­ing moun­tains. The lake can be accessed from the Glenn High­way, just before Sut­ton, via Mile 58 Road. There’s a small grav­el park­ing area and unde­vel­oped boat launch off of Wish­bone Place.

Small lake in Palmer, Alas­ka with great pub­lic access, includ­ing a park­ing area (with fee sta­tion) for about 4 – 5 vehi­cles, and pub­lic toi­lets. Fish for rain­bow trout and arc­tic grayling.

Stretch your legs at this pic­turesque stream and per­haps drop in a line. At Dav­es Creek you’ll find good fish­ing for dol­ly var­den and rain­bow trout. Salmon can be seen spawn­ing here in mid-July through September.

There’s a pri­vate­ly run camp­ground here and access to fish­ing on Wil­low Creek. There’s also a fish­ing char­ter oper­a­tor offer­ing guid­ed trips on the creek.

Stocked lake with­in the Don­nel­ly Train­ing Area. you must obtain a Recre­ation Access Per­mit (RAP) before fish­ing these stocked lakes, because they are on Army land. J” lake is acces­si­ble from the Richard­son High­way. Exit onto the Old Richard­son High­way at MP 256, then turn onto Windy Ridge Road. There is a small clus­ter of lakes, and 2 addi­tion­al lakes are acces­si­ble via short trails (Ghost Lake and Nick­el Lake).

MP 46.9 Denali Hwy. North Side of Road, Lake & out­let excel­lent for large grayling.

Sign vis­i­ble from Chena Hot Springs Road. Grav­el road leads to grav­el park­ing area with a fee sta­tion and out­house. Lake stocked with Arc­tic grayling, Rain­bow trout, and burbot.

Small pond stocked by ADF&G with Arc­tic grayling and Rain­bow trout. Sign vis­i­ble from Richard­son high­way leads to a small grav­el park­ing area. Approx­i­mate­ly 15 mins north of Delta Junction.

Eas­i­ly acces­si­ble lake in Tal­keet­na, Alas­ka that is part of a pop­u­lar chain of Lakes X”, Y”, and Z” lakes. They are pop­u­lar with canoeists who portage from one lake to the next. The lake is stocked annu­al­ly with Rain­bow Trout. There is a short trail to the lake from Com­sat Road.

Pop­u­lar in the sum­mer with locals for a swim. Fish­ing is catch and release only.

Small fish­ing pond eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from the Steese High­way that is stocked with Arc­tic grayling and Rain­bow trout. There’s a sign vis­i­ble from the high­way and a grav­el park­ing area. This area is about a 45-minute dri­ve from down­town Fairbanks.

Stocked with Arc­tic grayling and Rain­bow trout by ADF&G. Eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from Chena Hot Springs Road.

Acces­si­ble via the Richard­son High­way. There’s a large park­ing area near the bridge. Pop­u­lar salmon fish­ing spot when in sea­son. Refer to ADF&G for cur­rent guidelines. 

Difficulty: Easy Distance: 1 mile

These pop­u­lar trails lead to two beau­ti­ful, pris­tine lakes. Even bet­ter, they’re both easy hikes, which makes them per­fect for peo­ple of all ages. Bring a fish­ing pole and angle for stocked trout in Merid­i­an Lake or grayling in Grayling Lake.

This trib­u­tary of the Kenai Riv­er flows along­side the Ster­ling High­way, just north of Coop­er Land­ing (from mile­post 40 – 45). There are plen­ty of des­ig­nat­ed pull-offs along the high­way — like Quartz Creek Road, which leads to Kenai Lake, as well as the pop­u­lar access point at the Quartz Creek Bridge.

A good dirt road, with plen­ty of pull-outs, leaves the main high­way on the south side of the road. The Alas­com Road” runs four miles across the val­ley floor. There are sev­er­al lakes, stocked with trout and grayling, for fish­er­men, and plen­ty of camp­ing spots. It’s qui­et, and there’s great canoe­ing and bird watch­ing on the lakes. It’s a pop­u­lar week­end des­ti­na­tion for Anchor­age folks, so you might not be alone. And in the fall, you’ll see plenty  ...more

The Susit­na Riv­er is a major drainage sys­tem in the Denali region. The riv­er flows south from the Susit­na Glac­i­er and the Alas­ka Range and even­tu­al­ly turns west to flow through the Tal­keet­na Moun­tains and then south to Cook Inlet. The Susit­na is not float­able because of Devil’s Canyon down­stream. Access to the his­toric Valdez Creek Mine is on the east side of the Susit­na Riv­er. The mine is now closed and the land is being reclaimed.

This qui­et lit­tle pull­out is next to a small bab­bling brook filled with Dol­ly Var­den and Arc­tic Grayling. Dur­ing win­ter, the thick cov­er of wil­low along the riv­er is an impor­tant con­cen­tra­tion and feed­ing area for wil­low ptarmigan.

Fair­ly acces­si­ble lake off the Dal­ton High­way to fish for Arc­tic grayling. There’s a small road­side turnout.

This Alas­ka State Fish and Game stocked lake pro­vides a qui­et and pic­turesque lit­tle stop for the fish­er­man or camper. There’s a good chance you’ll have the lake to yourself.

A great place for a pic­nic, and an excel­lent place to fish for arc­tic grayling and arc­tic char. Don’t for­get your bug dope!