Alaska Arctic Char Fishing Spots

Arctic Char are closely related to both Trout and Salmon, although they are heartier in that they can live in extremely deep and cold lakes in the far north. They are similar in appearance to Salmon and can reach up to 20 lbs.

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Arctic Char Fishing Spots

Mir­ror Lake is a beau­ti­ful spot to relax, play, and pad­dle. Just off the Glenn High­way in the town of Chugiak, about 25 miles north of Anchorage.

Pond acces­si­ble from the Richard­son High­way with a grav­el park­ing area. Stocked by ADF&G with arc­tic char and rain­bow trout.

Beach Lake is a local gem locat­ed in the Eagle River/​Chugiak area, 20 miles north of Anchor­age. Enjoy a qui­et, uncrowd­ed view of the Chugach Mountains.

Locat­ed near Big Lake, this lake has a small pub­lic access area off of Mar­i­on Dri­ve. The lake is stocked with arc­tic char and rain­bow trout.

Annu­al­ly stocked lake for land­locked salmon (silvers/​coho) with­in the Matanus­ka Lakes State Recre­ation Area. You can reach the lake via the Matanus­ka Lake Trail­head or the Long Lake Trailhead.

Delong Lake Park is a qui­et neigh­bor­hood lake locat­ed off of Jew­el Lake Road. There’s plen­ty of park­ing, adock is great for fish­ing, and it’s a pop­u­lar spot for kayak­ers and pad­dle boarders.

Pop­u­lar in the sum­mer with locals for a swim. Fish­ing is catch and release only.

Acces­si­ble via the Richard­son High­way. There’s a large park­ing area near the bridge. Pop­u­lar salmon fish­ing spot when in sea­son. Refer to ADF&G for cur­rent guidelines. 

A great place for a pic­nic, and an excel­lent place to fish for arc­tic grayling and arc­tic char. Don’t for­get your bug dope!