Soldotna Dining & Nightlife

The Food You Must Try in Soldotna

The local go-to spots for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and beyond

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Dining and Nightlife

Serv­ing up local­ly brewed beers in a fun, fam­i­ly-friend­ly pub atmos­phere, St. Elias is a favorite with locals and trav­el­ers. It draws a crowd and can get loud and a lit­tle wild if they have live music. But with­out a band, it’s a fun, hap­pen­ing place. They have a great deck for nice after­noons, serve sam­pler flights of their beer and have great piz­za and big salads.

Attached to the Sol­dot­na Inn, Mykel’s has the rep­u­ta­tion for the best prime rib din­ners on the Kenai Penin­su­la. They also do high qual­i­ty salmon, hal­ibut and seafood din­ners. It’s a fine din­ing expe­ri­ence, Alaskan style, with white linens on the table, but it also has booths and feels cozy and casu­al. Locals cel­e­brate anniver­saries and oth­er spe­cial nights here because of the fine food and nice atmos­phere. It’s expen­sive, but they have a…  ...more
