Kodiak Museums & Cultural Centers

Explore Kodiak’s museums and cultural centers for a captivating journey through the island’s history and heritage. Bring your little ones for hands-on activities, attend educational programs, and gain a deeper understanding of the unique heritage that makes Kodiak a remarkable destination.

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Museums, Cultural Centers

Kodi­ak Island was a strate­gic out­post for both Rus­sians and Amer­i­cans, first used by Rus­sians as the head­quar­ters of the Russ­ian Amer­i­can Com­pa­ny (now Kodi­ak Har­bor). Take a tour at this muse­um with knowl­edge­able vet­er­ans and vol­un­teers and learn the his­to­ry of the Army and Navy on Kodi­ak Island and the Har­bor Defens­es front. Make sure you check out the eight-inch gun bar­rel, part of the defense sys­tem, which could fire up to 20 miles! Or…  ...more

Whether you’re look­ing for a book on Alaskan his­to­ry, check­ing your e‑mail, or bring­ing the fam­i­ly for a kids’ activ­i­ty, the Kodi­ak library has ser­vices for both res­i­dents and vis­i­tors. A cor­ner­stone of the com­mu­ni­ty since it was found­ed in two shacks in the 1940’s, the library has grown to include an audio-visu­al wing and Alas­ka ref­er­ence room. It now offers some 200 mag­a­zines, sum­mer read­ing pro­grams, and local artwork.

A muse­um with­out walls, this orga­ni­za­tion has been work­ing since 1996 to pre­serve and rec­og­nize the island’s mar­itime his­to­ry. Their dis­plays around town include 14 inter­pre­tive signs at St. Paul Har­bor as well as three satel­lite exhibits. Check out the large, full-col­or pan­els that show­case the work of the Coast Guard, fish­er­men, and the species of fish they seek. The satel­lite exhibits, at the bank and col­lege, are con­stant­ly chang­ing; the…  ...more

Locat­ed in the old­est stand­ing build­ing in Alas­ka, this muse­um is filled with arti­facts, pho­tog­ra­phy, and art­work record­ing the his­to­ry of Kodi­ak. You’ll find exhibits from the time of the Alu­ti­iq Natives, to king crab­bing and dai­ly life in the 1980s, all the way up to the present. Their focus, though, is Russ­ian-Amer­i­can his­to­ry and the island’s ear­ly Amer­i­can his­to­ry. Inspect the design exper­tise of the Alu­ti­iqs while exam­in­ing that…  ...more

Whether it’s your first or last stop on the island, make sure you vis­it this muse­um, which offer the best insight into the island’s her­itage. Not only will you find an impres­sive col­lec­tion here, but also a great staff; they’ll share sto­ries about vil­lage life, con­tin­ued tra­di­tions, and archae­ol­o­gy projects. With 100,000 arti­facts, some 50,000 pho­tos, and a total col­lec­tion of 250,000 pieces, the muse­um hous­es much of the his­to­ry of the…  ...more
