Fairbanks Historic Park or Site

When in Fairbanks, don’t miss the opportunity to visit local monuments, enjoy a walking tour, and discover the gold rush history of this fascinating town.

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Historic Park or Site

See His­toric Homes From Before Statehood

41 Places To See Fair­banks’ Past

Walk through a series of his­tor­i­cal build­ings, some now occu­pied by shops and restaurants

Locat­ed on San­ta Claus Lane, the Ter­ry Miller Memo­r­i­al Park fea­tures a pic­nic area, chil­dren’s play­ground, a spa­cious gaze­bo donat­ed by the North Pole Rotary Club and an up close view of the Alas­ka Rail­road as it pass­es by.

The U.S. and Rus­sia were allies dur­ing World War II. Alas­ka was a key exchange point for war­planes in the Lend-Lease pro­gram, which leant thou­sands of Amer­i­can-made planes to Rus­sia for use at the battlefront.
