Delta Junction Parks & Trails

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Parks & Trails

Difficulty: Easy Distance: 1 mile

This trail starts at Quartz Lake camp­ground and skirts the west­ern edge of the lake for .5 miles before climbimg the hill to Glat­felder Cab­in. It con­tin­ues around the front of the cab­in, crests the hill, then enters the Lost Lake Trail and fol­lows this back to the the Quartz Lake campground.

Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 1 mile

This trail offers a rugged climb to the top of Bert Moun­tain. It ends at a heli­copter pad con­struct­ed by for­est fire­fight­ers for use in area fire suppression.

Difficulty: Easy

Begin hik­ing at Lost Lake camp­ground and fol­low the right side of Lost Lake. Con­tin­ue 1.3 miles along the spruce bog until you reach Moose Pond where you can watch for water­fowl, moose, beavers, and oth­er wildlife.

The Gulka­na Glac­i­er Trail is a great after­noon hike, com­plete with two swing­ing draw­bridges to cross before you reach the glacier.

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