Chugach National Forest Visitor Information Centers

To learn more about Chugach National Forest, stop by the visitor information centers. The Begich Boggs Visitor Center, set on the shore of Portage Lake, was built on the terminal moraine left behind the Portage Glacier almost a century ago. Here you can watch a film and see exhibits about the glacier and its surrounding area. At Cooper Landing, you’ll find access to abundant trails as well as another visitor center, where you can get guides and information about communities on the Kenai Peninsula and throughout Alaska.

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Visitor Information Centers

Why go The For­est Service’s Begich, Bog­gs Vis­i­tor Cen­ter is locat­ed in Portage Val­ley, one of Alaska’s most vis­it­ed recre­ation areas. The val­ley is a show­case of glacial activ­i­ty with a num­ber of hang­ing” glac­i­ers grac­ing the encir­cling moun­tains. The vis­i­tor cen­ter is locat­ed on the north­west­ern shore of Portage Lake, and was built on the ter­mi­nal moraine left behind by Portage Glac­i­er almost a cen­tu­ry ago. The Trail of Blue Ice, Byron…  ...more

Hid­den in the trees, this lit­tle log cab­in vis­i­tor’s cen­ter can be easy to miss! How­ev­er, make sure to stop by and learn about all the activ­i­ties and sights to see in the sur­round­ing area. 

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