Angoon Points of Interest

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Points of Interest

Sit­ka black-tailed deer in the for­est, brown bear fish­ing local streams, hum­ming­birds flit­ting about town, and whales pods.

Angoon means isth­mus town” and offers miles of beach­es to explore: from sandy stretch­es in front of town, to clay/​mud expans­es and peb­ble and shale beach­es. Go beach­comb­ing to see what the tide brings in (most desired: Japan­ese glass buoys), or just to lose your­self in the sights and sounds of the nat­ur­al world.

Clan hous­es line Beaver Trail Road in Angoon, an area that hasn’t changed much in the last 100 years. The weath­er-beat­en, wood-framed build­ings are out­ward signs of a cul­ture that has been main­tained through generations.
