Photo Credit: Loren Holmes

Take a walk through Seward’s rich history with Seward historian Doug Capra. From the little-known Russian colony, to Seward’s boom as the southern terminus of the Alaska Railroad, this audio guide will inform and entertain you with stories of Seward’s colorful characters.

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When these hous­es were built, most before 1910, they rep­re­sent­ed some of the most expen­sive homes in South­cen­tral Alas­ka. Owned by rail­road exec­u­tives and bankers, they sym­bol­ized to the aver­age Seward res­i­dent the pros­per­ous times ahead.

The muse­um presents the chief events of Seward’s his­to­ry through pho­tographs, arti­facts and doc­u­ments. There is also a fine col­lec­tion of Native bas­kets and ivory carv­ings on dis­play. Dur­ing the sum­mer there are evening pro­grams con­sist­ing of two slide shows: The His­to­ry of Seward and The His­to­ry of the Idi­tar­od Trail. A spe­cial open house is held every August 28 in hon­or of the found­ing of Seward in 1903. Muse­um shop car­ries books by local  ...more

Meet your guide in a quaint and his­toric place to either begin or end your Seward tour – an old Methodist and lat­er a Luther­an church even­tu­al­ly con­vert­ed into a cof­fee house. If you vis­it Seward on cold and snowy win­ter morn­ings, you’ll often find your guide here read­ing and writing.

This is not only the old­est hotel build­ing in Seward, but one of the old­est in the state. Many famous peo­ple stayed here, and some say the ghost of a mur­dered women haunts this hotel. Next door is the Lib­er­ty The­ater, built 1943 – 44. On the inside, both the hotel and the the­ater rep­re­sent a glimpse into what life was like in Alaska’s ter­ri­to­r­i­al days.

The sto­ry of Har­ry Kawabe, a well-respect­ed Japan­ese-Amer­i­can busi­ness­man, deserves a spe­cial place in Seward. His laun­dry, one of his many busi­ness enter­pris­es, stood on this spot, and this park remem­bers his con­tri­bu­tions to the Seward com­mu­ni­ty and his time in a Japan­ese intern­ment camp.

St. Peter’s Epis­co­pal Church is the old­est sur­viv­ing Protes­tant church build­ing on the Kenai Penin­su­la. It was also the loca­tion of the first pub­lic school class­room in the town of Seward, and it housed a library read­ing room begin­ning in 1929. Soon after the town of Seward was estab­lished in the sum­mer of 1903, a priest head­quar­tered in Valdez began mak­ing peri­od­ic trips to Seward to hold ser­vices in a tent. The base­ment, or undercroft,…  ...more

Like most sea­port towns, Seward had ladies of the night from the town’s begin­ning. But in 1915, with the deci­sion to start build­ing the Alas­ka Rail­road here, the town became con­cerned about the upcom­ing influx of con­struc­tion work­ers. Seward decid­ed to con­fine these ladies to a spe­cif­ic area, a place that became the town’s Red Light Dis­trict. Dur­ing pro­hi­bi­tion it was also known for its moon­shin­ing, thus the nick­name, Home­brew Alley.

Many peo­ple don’t think of Seward and Res­ur­rec­tion Bay as an ear­ly Russ­ian set­tle­ment. But here is where the Rus­sians built a ship yard in the ear­ly 1790’s, prob­a­bly near this spot. This is also where the Low­ell fam­i­ly first set­tled years before the town was established.

Built in 1909-10, this two-sto­ry build­ing lat­er became asso­ci­at­ed with one of Seward’s most beloved cit­i­zens – Sol Urie. An avid Seward pro­mot­er, Sol­ly ran his bar and liquor store here.

Seward has one of the few rel­a­tive­ly intact Main Streets in Alas­ka, and gives you a good idea of what the territory’s ear­ly coastal towns looked like. Despite two destruc­tive fires, some of the town’s ear­li­est build­ings are still stand­ing. In its ear­ly days, it was a rough and row­dy area, a place where one of Seward’s most famous mas­cots held sway – for a time.

Vis­it the site of one of the most famous shoot­ings in ear­ly Alas­ka his­to­ry – the spot where a U.S. Deputy Mar­shal was gunned down. We’ll also meet one of Alaska’s most respect­ed lawyers and politicians.

When vis­i­tors think of the Idi­tar­od Trail, they often think of Anchor­age where the race’s cer­e­mo­ni­al start takes place. But the trail actu­al­ly begins in Seward, right here. This spot is also where the town’s first set­tlers land­ed back in August 1903.

The most cat­a­stroph­ic event in Seward’s his­to­ry took place along the shore­line here. On March 27, 1964, the largest earth­quake ever record­ed in North Amer­i­ca, and the tsunamis that fol­lowed, changed Seward’s his­to­ry forever.