Mat-Su Valley Shopping

Indulge in a unique shopping experience in the Mat-Su Valley, where you’ll find a diverse array of goods. From birch syrup and Alaskan-made art to general grocery stores and markets, you can find everything you need and discover delightful treasures along the way.

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Sam­ple deli­cious syrup and sweets made from birch trees at Kahilt­na Birch­works in Tal­keet­na — the world’s largest pro­duc­er of birch syrup. Stop in to shop, or for a tour of the facil­i­ty at mile 1.1 of the Tal­keet­na Spur Rd, just off the Parks High­way. You’ll also find Alaskan food prod­ucts (many wild har­vest­ed), botan­i­cals, and func­tion­al art like pot­tery, tiles, birch bark and wood crafts. Prod­ucts are also avail­able online. 

This unique mar­ket is locat­ed in Wasil­la, about 60 miles north of Anchor­age. You’ll find cre­ations of over 80 Alaskan artists and chefs that make for per­fect sou­venirs or gifts for friends back home.

[{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"}]